I like the idea of more tier-based equipment, too. But, there really is no simple way to make it perfect.
However, what is wrong with embracing the way it is? People, in today's culture, demand everything they desire NOW. Nobody can wait anymore. It's sad, actually. If you look at the silver lining, you get to polish your game while you level up. The new tees, the new green speeds, the longer distances, the new trouble areas, the new strategy to negotiate a hole design, ALL serve to make you an even better player.
Maybe think of it like you were back in school. Here in the States, we typically switch/combine schools after 5th grade (going to Middle School) and 8th grade (going to High School). You grow and get better until 5th grade....where you are the oldest and best in the school. The very next year, you get knocked right back to being the youngest in school and go back to being picked on. Then, you get to 8th grade....you've paid your dues and rule the school.....only to get knocked back down to the bottom rung of the ladder in high school. Sure you were the fastest kid in class, but now you have to compete with 18 year olds that can kick the snot out of a 14 year old. You aren't cool....you can't drive......there's not even anyone for you to ask out on a date because they all want to date the older, cooler boys. But, you grow up, the others move on to college, and the school starts to open up for you again.
Same thing happens to a lesser degree in college.....only to be put out in the workforce.
Equipment, levels, tiers, playing ability, can really all be drawn to this analogy of life. Quit crying about it and work on your game. Stop quibbling over how WGT screwed you over. Everybody has to deal with the same rules. You are starting to sound like losers....don't be one.
The cream always rises to the top. So, stop being such sour milk, and choose to be a winner by rising to the new challenges instead of complaining about them.