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Re: Legend in tour-master tourney?

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Thu, Mar 27 2014 11:14 AM (7 replies)
  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 5:43 PM

    Hey WGT,why is a legend leading the board on the tour-master tourney 9 hole single play at whistler tourney for the week???,,,whats up with that?

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 5:58 PM

    Stop and think...Maybe he was a TM at start of tourney and tiered up afterward or tiered up after that round.

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Thu, Aug 16 2012 6:29 PM

    16 Aug MountieBurns moved up to the Legend tier.


    It might have been that round that moved him up; happens a lot 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 8:45 AM

    Exactly, and most of all in the lower tiers.

    Imagine a Hack entering a Monthly - he will be able to play "Hack" conditions all the time while tiering up at least to Pro.

    I confess to have taken profit of this when I became a Master. One of those "Tour Pro" rounds made it into the last Master average ;)

  • TGor
    313 Posts
    Fri, Aug 17 2012 9:59 PM

       This is exactly what I did on the move up to Legend.

       I knew I was on the edge maybe 6 hundredths from advancing up. On the calendar it was somewhere around the 28th or 29th. So I waited, playing AS and CTTH so as not to post anything that would move me up in tier.

       After the beginning of the new month, still a TM, I went and signed up for every free weekly, monthly, CTTH- just everything I could find anywhere. Then went after the Legend tier with a vengeance and made it 3 days later I think.

       Now, there I was - a Legend - but still eligible to tee off from the closer tees for the rest of the month. Thank goodness I did this. This strategy helped me keep my average from shooting way up in those first few days as a Legend. And I could go back and still shoot those low 30 here and there while struggling with the longer tees.

       This is the closest I've ever come to cheating. I just see it as being informed and making a sound decision about my "career" here on WGT. Go ahead guys - let me have it. LMAO. And good luck all.


  • Hacker456
    170 Posts
    Wed, Feb 27 2013 6:49 PM

    In Feb 9 hole monthly tourney, a legend is leading in the master category.  Do I really think somebody jumped from master to legend in a month? No way you could play that many rounds with that much accuracy.  #5fivetimes5 doesnt make sense.

  • bhoese
    679 Posts
    Thu, Feb 28 2013 6:26 PM


    In Feb 9 hole monthly tourney, a legend is leading in the master category.  Do I really think somebody jumped from master to legend in a month? No way you could play that many rounds with that much accuracy.  #5fivetimes5 doesnt make sense.

    There's at least one guy on here who made it in less than a month - from day 1 noob hack. You move up fast if you win tournaments and match plays against higher tiers.


  • plg1
    14 Posts
    Thu, Mar 27 2014 11:14 AM

    In Feb 9 hole monthly tourney, a legend is leading in the master category.  Do I really think somebody jumped from master to legend in a month?

    Hi Hacker. I know this is an old thread - I figured I would share my experience.

    It is definitely possible.

    From about Feb. 3rd to March 5th, I moved from Master to Legend.
    I played about 35-40 ranked rounds in that time. Some were virtual tour events and some were ready-go tourneys. When I advanced to the legend tier, my score average was about 62.4 (that is a guess).

    I've heard that there is a minimum number of rounds that must be played in a tier before you can move up to the next.
    I've also heard that there is an average score you must reach before moving to the next tier.

    In my case, I became legend before reaching the number of ranked rounds and before getting my score average low enough.
    Keep in mind, the figures you can find in the forums for required ranked rounds and score average regarding tier advancement are not official from WGT.

    I suspect there are other 'achievements' that will bump players up a tier sooner. One that was already suggested is beating higher-tiered players in match play.

    Happy golfing