Hacker456:In Feb 9 hole monthly tourney, a legend is leading in the master category. Do I really think somebody jumped from master to legend in a month?
Hi Hacker. I know this is an old thread - I figured I would share my experience.
It is definitely possible.
From about Feb. 3rd to March 5th, I moved from Master to Legend.
I played about 35-40 ranked rounds in that time. Some were virtual tour events and some were ready-go tourneys. When I advanced to the legend tier, my score average was about 62.4 (that is a guess).
I've heard that there is a minimum number of rounds that must be played in a tier before you can move up to the next.
I've also heard that there is an average score you must reach before moving to the next tier.
In my case, I became legend before reaching the number of ranked rounds and before getting my score average low enough.
Keep in mind, the figures you can find in the forums for required ranked rounds and score average regarding tier advancement are not official from WGT.
I suspect there are other 'achievements' that will bump players up a tier sooner. One that was already suggested is beating higher-tiered players in match play.
Happy golfing