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Re: CC Members activities

Sat, Aug 18 2012 9:56 PM (1 replies)
  • Kaloke
    232 Posts
    Sat, Aug 18 2012 8:36 AM

    Would like to see information about who quits the CC. Maybe like: SoSo has removed themself from the CC on Date. Or SoSo was removed from club by club owner. The members activities shows when someone is added to the club and who makes the tournaments. I really think this would be good to show who exactly removed that person, that person or was the owner the one that removed them.

    I am requesting this because there has been a few members of my club that are asking me why they were removed from the club. I never removed anyone and this would be a good way to prove how they were remove.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Aug 18 2012 9:56 PM

    As the club owner, you can remove someone but this probably happens rarely. As for players leaving there are many reasons, but probably one would think the member should contact the owner prior to quitting if there is an issue. In my case I was disillusioned creating events for lower tiers, only for the higher tiers to play (despite the Title of the tourny). I contacted the owner, nothing was done so I quit,

    The easy answer to prevent speculation would be for WGT to  show this in their activity - when I quit my CC there was no mention on my activity