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Re: Inter Country Club Competition

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 27 2013 9:48 PM (1 replies)
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 19 2012 4:47 PM

    Would it be possible for WGT to set up a Inter CC Competition for different tiers (say Legend, Masters and Tour Pros)? I'm not quite sure how this could be done but I envisage that WGT email all club owners to see which clubs would be interested in participating. From there you could have  (drawn by WGT) CC's playing against each other (say 6 per players per CC) in a stroke round competition format (single round) and the lowest aggregate score progresses. A small fee per player that competes could be charged,  with only  the winning CC team of each round earning the bulk of the credits. Thw winning tean then progreeses to the next round. Sadly matchplay would be more fun but impractical organising times.

    I realise this would involve the abilty for the club owners to not only set up the Tournament (thats the easy part), but to somehow also invite the named players from the other CC (and does mean communicating with other Country Clubs) to play which would need some new features.

    I am not sure how many Country Clubs would participate but to keep numbers reasonable it could be limited to say 128 clubs (only 7 rounds until the grand final) or have it on a regional basis to get the top 4 CC's per continent and then they play off.

    I think if it is possible its a win win situation for both WGT the CC's and its members.

    Love to hear thoughts and refinements how this could be done.

  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 9:48 PM

    No replies. I don't know if this has been done yet but I have an simpler idea for WGT to implement this.

    When you play a round of golf you can challenge your friends to try and beat your score.

    Well if you can invite other players to be your friend and then challenge them, I don't think it would be a stretch for clubs to challenge other clubs.

    The simplest way to do this would be for CC's to have a 'CC friends' list in much the same way that players have a 'friends' list.

    A CC can add any other CC to its 'CC Friends list'. Either CC could setup a tournament. The tournament options would be the same with the option to select the number of players from each club to keep teams balanced.

    Once a Country Club has setup a tournament they can issue a challenge to any CC on their 'CC Friends list' which can be accepted or declined. If accepted both teams play with the specified number of players to compete for the best score and the prize goes to the winning team.

    Not to difficult to implement and easy to arrange...what do you think?