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Re: Need some time after a match to chat with competitors ...

Sun, Aug 26 2012 1:39 AM (5 replies)
  • Ratlord
    13 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 11:28 PM

    When I play real world golf, which I can see you are trying to emulate (and not doing a bad job) I spend time after the game chatting with my friends / others in my 4-some (or 3-some or whatever) maybe getting a beer at the 19th hole, whatever.

    It would enhance the game immensely, at least for me, if I could PM or chat with my opponents for at least a sort time after the match.

    Thoughts, comments, disapproval?

    Thanks.  -Ratlord

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 2:12 PM

    If you add playing partners to your Friend list, you can then chat with them by PM after the round.


  • TeeWade
    1,216 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 2:56 PM

    Totally agree with the OP. Would be nice to get a solid minute or two (whether or not its used) to say good byes, good games etc. Instead of having to rush type it or everyone chatting their gb's, gg's just as last putts are being done.  Love the idea dude  :)

  • Papadish
    16 Posts
    Fri, Aug 24 2012 4:27 PM

    I would like to have a chat window for friends anytime... it would help to get a good game together before entering the game client and just to shoot the bull while sitting in the lobby.

    The PM system is seriously flawed for immediate results.

  • CDaWg1111
    2 Posts
    Sun, Aug 26 2012 1:39 AM

    I really love this idea.

