Ok here it is, Lets just say, If you quit a ranked round? Any RANKED Round! By doing so, the game would Auto save the game you just quit, to your profile, Just as if you X, out and logged off, So, when you log back in, the game you quit and jumped out of , is still in play, & saved to, continue play? or to be forfeited by you?,, right?.. Well my IDEA. is to, eliminate this, as a players choice! & Take the forfeit option out of the program. and include an Auto saved game area, on are profiles. just as, in the same way we have, a saved replay area, & like the saved replay area, we can only save, a max number of replays, How ever, if an Auto save feature has maxed out, because a player had quit, 10 times or more, ranked rounds, he or she would not be able to join "Any. I mean Any" more ranked rounds until, they have finished at lest one, of the ranked rounds they quit on, that was auto saved to there profile. To make room, .. And not only the player will be required to finish, one of the unfinished rank rounds they quit on, after, finishing, the Average will be added to there score, and averages, Thus, giving the player a true, & honest average, Now think of all the implications, this would bring to all, Especially you WGT, , more players would practice, not to mention the added revenue it would bring, it would per mote players to play harder, and to join more ready goes with feelings of trusting a Players avarages... not to mention, this might be the reason you would bring in that driving range, and have it become actually viable idea as well,
Please keep an opened mind here, , I think there are more Pro's than Con's here..
Ive been thing of this Idea, for some time now, & I truly believe, if this type of platform was part of the WGT program, It would , in time even out all players true Averages, Thus per mote, a trust among players, to play in a more competitive way, in credit games, as well as all ranked games they join.
This Idea can solve allot of the issues about Quitters, as well as Players who protect average's, by not finishing a ranked multi player round they joined. witch we can all agree, is a waste of are time,& effort, and if ya think of this, there are many variables here,