Dear WGT,
Many of us players that are not playing almost exclusively to "improve" our levels
( mine is Master 73.1) are constantly suffering from those players that keep disconnecting if they happen to have two bad holes and a few bogeys. As you well know by disconnecting their unfinished round, the bad score is eliminated and not taken in consideration.
But by so doing they 1) They leave stranded the other players because they disconnect BEFORE ending their holes and that freezes the game. 2) The other players who were counting on picking up credits by finishing a round with all the players that started, can no longer do so.
I strongly suggest 1) that WGT allow only a limited number of disconnections per month, penalizing those that go over the limit.
2) You give credit for finishing a round by counting the number of players that STARTED the round.
Finally, I have been playing 5 consecutive days and the ticker saying " consecutive days played" keeps reporting one day only.