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Re: tour legends are still capable of playing legend ready go's

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Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:44 AM (19 replies)
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  • lbcgolf
    314 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 11:59 AM


    For example, I was not able to play a single round this week because I am abroad for work purpose...

    Ha, that's an excuse!  You live in a tiny country.  You need to go "abroad" to get a litre of milk!

    Next he's gonna tell me Dutch and Flemish are 2 separate languages, sheesh!

    Not hatin' ya F.  ;-)

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 12:18 PM


     I was not able to play a single round this week because I am abroad for work purpose.. the population of Belgium decreased by 50 %

    you left the cat to run the country while you're away.



  • jaderoks
    571 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 1:35 PM

    WGT has imposed to play 100 additional rounds

    I'm not too sure about this. It took me 92 rounds to get to TL.Not sure why.

    As far as TL's playing Legend only RG's, It's not true. I can't even see them. There are RG's that are open to everyone though, maybe that's what the OP is talking about.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 6:02 PM

    I hope to have those in soon. How about showing those TL';s what it's all about?

    Bollox, who? pppppfttt!



  • mrenn29
    380 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 10:29 PM


     im one of those legends who dont spend 23 hours a day playing and writting down every god dam inch of what every god dam club goes from every single lie.


    That's freakin classic right there ROFL. Probably one of the better rants I've seen.Sounds like pgabound IRL. ROFL.

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 2:03 AM

    ... Hopefully I should move by end of September... Sorry about that...

    LOL..........nice ending....!!

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:25 AM

    @ lbcgolf, thebigeasy707: LOL guys.

    @ jaderoks: it has been reported to me that indeed one tiers up with a bit less than 100 rounds for some reasons... So I might move up a bit sooner that end of September then :) .

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:42 AM



    Score history shows (for the greatwhitedummy) one RG in the past 60 days.


    How is that relevant? Perhaps he's simply waiting for all the players that monopolize the RGs to go the TourLegend tourneys.

    You're such an obtuse and annoying WGT apologist. Clearly some "Legends" are bagging here. THere is no excuse for some of the players mentioned not to be in the Tour Legend tier; unless of course they are exempt from the same criticism that every other alleged sandbagger has to deal with.

    Save your sardonic and apologetic diatribe. If read enough of your gibberish to know that you're nothing but a WGT fanboy yes man. If they're not paying you; they should be.

    It's relevant because one who complains about an event they do not participate in, has no foundation for complaining.


    And yes, WGT pays me handsomely, I haven't payed for a ball in 2 years, all my clubs were free upgrades...the best part though, is the $400.00 a month stipend they send me to keep me around.

    The rest of your drunken spew, I'll ignore.


  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Fri, Aug 31 2012 8:44 AM

    Yep. Its clear Genorb and Bollox are being baggers. The OP is def right on this one. lol

    Please continue your rant I enjoy reading the nonsense as I cant shoot crap for scores. 

    God forbid someone doesnt play 3 rounds a day in 30 days to move up to TL. 

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