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Re: Random (and possibly dumb) Idea

rated by 0 users
Thu, Aug 30 2012 10:43 AM (5 replies)
  • bpierce749
    116 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 8:36 AM

    I was wondering and thinking about the level 64 hacks and formed an idea in my head.  To cope with the "legal" cheaters with the advanced equipment, WGT could program the game so that to play ranked rounds from shorter tees, your clubs all had to be below a certain level.  Then, no hack can have a high end R11s and play from the red, or easiest, tees.  

    I know this would be horrible for business.  Also, tournaments would still be played from tees corresponding to your tier and Free Weekly Tournaments would be tier-based. And, green speeds would be the same as normal for your tier.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 9:03 AM

    I have passed on your idea to our developers



  • bpierce749
    116 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 9:27 AM


    I have passed on your idea to our developers



    Thank You for the quick reply. I would like to know what all the WGT Players have to say.



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 9:56 AM

    We have been discussing a similar idea here (no comment by WGT though) and one of the points against it was that it would eliminate the sales of clubs for those low-tier players (partly known as sandbaggers) and thus would lower WGT's income.

    Guess how probable a realisation is(?)

  • bpierce749
    116 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 10:34 AM

    Yeah, I must say that I did see that topic so I can't claim complete ownership of the idea but maybe (hopefully) something will be implemented in the game.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Aug 30 2012 10:43 AM

    Hope springs eternal

    or, less poetic, in German

    Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt. (Hope is the last to die)