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Re: Out of Bounds/Lost balls

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Wed, Apr 20 2011 10:28 AM (17 replies)
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  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 11:12 AM

    Jake... that is an incredible story about your buddy getting busted.  Did the homeowner have to come over and identify him?  Or did he snap a photo of the guy in his yard?


    The homeowner was waiting in the pro shop to point the finger.  Guess he got the last laugh for sure.

    So don't comment on my character if you don't know me

    You impugned your own character by posting the following......

    But I hit the ball out of bounds on St. Andrews 17th hole and I could still see the ball. Realistically if I did that I would walk across the path and pick up my ball (actually I would play it)

    By saying you would actually play it clearly states that you have no regard for the rules.  So which is it?  Do you play by the rules or only when they are to your advantage?


    Mickelson landed in a drain (unplayable) at the Masters and took a drop and I don't hear anyone calling him a cheater

    Entirely different rule and taken out of context.  This falls under "immovable obstruction" and has nothing to do with cheating.


    The deal on STA 17 appears to be a mapping are and should be fixed in the future....let's hope.  But as is we're left no option but to play the game the way it is set up or not play at all......our choice.  I have issue with many shots on Kiawah being stroke and distance for balls hit into lateral or water hazards.  IRL those spots are granted a drop under the rules of golf but not in WGT land.

    The game also has problems with "in course out of bounds".  Under the rules there is no such thing in tournament competition but you can't play from a different fairway under the "virtual rules" applied to this game as they are OB.

    I've accepted the game for what it is.  It's a great golf simulation but does it parallel real golf in every aspect?  NOT EVEN CLOSE.

    GET REAL! No more losing balls for out of bounds shots is real and what is right! I am no longer spending my money on balls until this is changed.

    Your frustration is understood and point taken.  No one likes losing balls but I swallow my frustration when meter freezes or spikes resulting in lost balls because the playability of the starter balls is so poor compared to the GI SD. 

    Happy golfing Randall and don't let those lost balls drag you too far down.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 11:23 AM

    Jake, what was the final outcome with your buddy?  Just curious.  Also, I'm guessing the homeowner had a personal vendetta against golfers.  One, I'll bet he was not a golfer.  Two, why would he buy a home on a golf course... ball recouping activity comes with the territory.

  • Randellpoet1
    37 Posts
    Tue, May 18 2010 5:39 PM

    You Say,

    By saying you would actually play it clearly states that you have no regard for the rules.  So which is it?  Do you play by the rules or only when they are to your advantage?

    YES I would play the ball in real life because in real life it would be LEGAL to play. I'm not saying I would cheat but that the game here changes the real rules of golf as you seem to agree...

    The game also has problems with "in course out of bounds".  Under the rules there is no such thing in tournament competition but you can't play from a different fairway under the "virtual rules" applied to this game as they are OB.

    But you seem to want to find a way to attack my character because you don't like what I am saying even though you seem to agree with what I am saying.  At STA 17 the ball on the courses I play at would be legal to play and not out of bounds and you agree with that but you make comments about breaking the rules. Right off the green next to the cart path in the particular case of STA 17 would be LEGAL to play in real life and I bet when I watch the British Open I'll see a lot of hits from that area.

    As far as my character you can't even come close to knowing me from one statement you surely are not understanding. You throw in comments about going into people's yards and that isn't even an issue here. I'm not even talking about hitting from a different fairway as you also point out. None of that applies to what I am saying but you inject that as a comment on what you think my character is. That's just wrong!

    The deal on STA 17 appears to be a mapping are and should be fixed in the future....let's hope.

    Here you seem to agree with me and you go on to say,

    I've accepted the game for what it is.  It's a great golf simulation but does it parallel real golf in every aspect?  NOT EVEN CLOSE

    Again agreeing with me but the difference is with me I believe in at least speaking my mind and not just accepting things the way they are when I think they are wrong. Maybe they would change some of the B.S. rules they have here if we speak up.

    And the comment I made about Mickelson's shot is relevant to this discussion because some of my "out of bounds/lost balls" here are from landing on the cart path which would be a drop situation and I wouldn't lose my ball. Mickelson picked up his ball right from the drain and dropped it. Here they have the idea that any ball not playable or out of bounds is automatically a "lost ball" which is far from the truth.

    In real life, on a bad day, when I go home after hitting in the 90s I go home with all my balls (except those that went in the water). Don't you?



  • roona
    13 Posts
    Sat, Oct 2 2010 9:40 PM

    My wife is killing me over all the money I waste on virtual golf balls . Its bad enough how many you lose in a real game.  But every time I load up with new balls, the St Andres #1 takes the balls or the road hole. I HAVE JUST ABOUT HAD IT.

    20 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 8:15 AM

    every time i have a lost  ball  from a meter glitch or lost ball from just going ob i dont play for 2 days.  i figure wgt is the looser as i would have used more than 1 ball if i had been playing.  

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 9:31 AM

    If you could play a shot that was way wide of the green, you would need a photo there, or the shot would be unreadable. That would mean more camera angles, meaning new courses would take longer.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Apr 20 2011 10:28 AM




    Please let old threads die.

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