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Re: A possible solution to the percentage fiasco

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 6 2012 6:53 PM (3 replies)
  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2012 2:08 PM

    I was hoping for more player feedback before posting this here , but I guess now is as good a time as any.  WGT your current percentage system has stirred up a hornets nest of complaints all across the forums. I may have a solution. Would it be possible to implement a "failsafe" whereby a player on trying to "X" out of the game is confronted with a pop-up window which says "Are you sure you want to exit game" or some such drivel ,and is then required to "X" out again. This would distinguish between involuntary disconnects and intentional ones and should be fairly simple to make operational. That would leave the quitters with the alternative of having to re-boot to try to get around it, which I assume could also be tracked, with the net result that it would only be applied to their percentage. Please let me know if this is possibly a working solution.


  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2012 2:43 PM


    Would it be possible to implement a "failsafe" whereby a player on trying to "X" out of the game is confronted with a pop-up window which says "Are you sure you want to exit game" or some such drivel ,and is then required to "X" out again. This would distinguish between involuntary disconnects and intentional ones and should be fairly simple to make operational.

    At first sigth this look like a good idea and a good solution. However, it seems to me that you can always quit on purpose a game by just closing the browser (I don't think WGT can have a control on this. Edit: moreover you can always kill the browser executable in the task manager.) or even by shutting down the computer (quite extreme but you know :) ). You would then quit the game intentionally without having to click on that additional button.

    But I am not a computer expert, so perhaps there is a solution along the line you propose. I guess there are members that are more into computer and programmation than me :) .


  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2012 3:41 PM

    Genorb, thx for the input. I'm dumber than than a box of rocks when it comes to computers . I just can't believe with all the wizardry that goes on, this problem can't be fixed. I've tried to apply logic. 1st. Identify problem. 2nd. Offer possible solution. 3rd.
    (in WGT Land) wait an indefinate time for an evasive answer. I don't believe I've left any steps out, so now, we're just "Waiting for WGT Godot".

    Doc :)

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Sep 6 2012 6:53 PM

    Good idea in principe,but probably too much for wgt's overheads ? Easier to do what they have & scrap it on what I'm guessing is the most used format...Andy