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Re: ball not stopping where you click

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 17 2012 3:23 PM (9 replies)
  • Bill3574
    67 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 5:44 AM

    I don't know if it's your new Beta version or what but this game totally sucks now, I'm a level 93 Tour Master and I can't even make a 1 foot putt, it's not my flash player so don't even go there it's your programmers that's done this. Please fix this game back like it use to be it was quite enjoyable then. I've played a solid 2 years on this game to have to give it up because you want to screw it up with your beta version. I logged in april, and I've logged in today in september , it's still screwed up , if I could report this site I would do it because it has taken my money and and fixed it to where you can't play anymore.

  • Crim22
    1 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 5:57 AM

     agree e toejoyplayinnowit jut mes me mad

  • tramilleo
    1,912 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 6:03 AM

    You can report them California Gaming Commission is the place to file a complaint and the BBB.

  • Danmark2010
    805 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 6:11 AM


    I don't know if it's your new Beta version or what but this game totally sucks now, I'm a level 93 Tour Master and I can't even make a 1 foot putt, it's not my flash player so don't even go there it's your programmers that's done this. Please fix this game back like it use to be it was quite enjoyable then. I've played a solid 2 years on this game to have to give it up because you want to screw it up with your beta version. I logged in april, and I've logged in today in september , it's still screwed up , if I could report this site I would do it because it has taken my money and and fixed it to where you can't play anymore.

    Pleace do it raport this big Mafia site

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 6:14 AM

    it's got bugger all to do with the game......that's unless you think wgt have specifically just targetted you and left thousands of other players alone.

    try a different browser



    lol....big mafia site....Don Icon :)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 8:02 PM

    Seems like WGT are targeting you as the vast majority have no problems.

    Read the following link - maybe this may explain your problem - sound like the one I had :)


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Sep 11 2012 1:47 AM


    ball not stopping where you click

    I don't know if it's your new Beta version or what but this game totally sucks now, I'm a level 93 Tour Master and I can't even make a 1 foot putt, it's not my flash player so don't even go there it's your programmers that's done this.

    I bet you play on Chrome browser

    and I bet you didn't care for your Flash for at least 6 weeks.

    My charge if I win is for you to check it out and follow the numerous descriptions given here to fix it, i.e. deactivate all but (the right) one Flash versions.

    There may be three conflicting ones, causing your problems.


    If you win, you've gotten a boring post of mine - never mind!

  • Danmark2010
    805 Posts
    Mon, Sep 17 2012 1:51 PM



    ball not stopping where you click

    I don't know if it's your new Beta version or what but this game totally sucks now, I'm a level 93 Tour Master and I can't even make a 1 foot putt, it's not my flash player so don't even go there it's your programmers that's done this.

    I bet you play on Chrome browser

    and I bet you didn't care for your Flash for at least 6 weeks.

    My charge if I win is for you to check it out and follow the numerous descriptions given here to fix it, i.e. deactivate all but (the right) one Flash versions.

    There may be three conflicting ones, causing your problems.


    If you win, you've gotten a boring post of mine - never mind!

    Well i have it the same problem and please don't tel me about the Fash player because i do everithing that wgt say to me and stil i have it a lot of problem with my game and others think.You don't get eny wgt cr ifyou speack nice about them belive me.

  • ro513polk
    8 Posts
    Mon, Sep 17 2012 2:30 PM

    I use Chrome with no problems what  so ever. Nice smooth meter.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Sep 17 2012 3:23 PM



    ball not stopping where you click

    Well i have it the same problem and please don't tel me about the Fash player because i do everithing that wgt say to me and stil i have it a lot of problem with my game and others think.You don't get eny wgt cr ifyou speack nice about them belive me.

    You sure must have missed a lot from me ;)

    WGT's advice on game problems in general and on Flash problems in special unfortunately has not proved to be too helpful in many cases.

    There has been good advice on this problem from fellow users - I only paraphrased it.

    If you are interested, look it up, if not, good luck with a crappy meter.