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Re: Ability to limit CC tournaments to specific player tiers

Fri, Sep 21 2012 12:57 AM (6 replies)
  • Nexguy
    51 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 8:10 AM

    In the setup screen to create a CC tournament, I think a very useful option would be to have the ability to limit which tiers of players can participate in the tournament.  This way a tournament could be created for just Amateurs without having to worry that a Master is going to come in and grab all the winnings.  Tier specific tourneys are popular, but can backfire when some players either don't  follow the rules or accidentally enter the wrong tiered tournament and blow the competition away.


    Thanks and great game!


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 4:03 PM

    Been asked for many times, would be nice to get a reply from WGT. Surely an easy thing to implement. It is not fair or an incentive to play for the lower tiers to be blitzed by someone who is not meant to be playing in a tier designed CC Tourny.

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 5:18 PM

    would be nice to get a reply from WGT

    It's already done for WGT tourneys; I can't see how anyone could possibly object; it's been asked for many many times; and it would take about 2 minutes to implement.... what's the problem? where's the answer?

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 5:23 PM

    This is the single most largest request CClubs have had for a VERY LONG TIME.


    Hopefully we may see it implemented in the near future.


    WGT response please?

  • Willsstrs
    632 Posts
    Fri, Sep 14 2012 6:09 PM

    ok guys, if you want something, contact someone! email it! Just imagine if you had icon's job...I would like to see you all try to get thru all of the forums twice per day and get accurate info to can't expect him to see every post...

    and even in this case where it has been requested a lot, I've only seen it as off topic posts in other topics.

    They see email a lot faster. I just sent one about this a couple mins ago...

    But yeah, i agree. my club is doing the same thing with tiered tournaments but there are sometimes cheaters who play out of tier...And these could also be used as qualifying for something or anything where you need to separate between tiers...

  • Nexguy
    51 Posts
    Sat, Sep 15 2012 6:23 PM

    Good idea Willsstrs.  However this is the suggestions thread so they probably pay attention to the one that is the most popular or gets the most replies perhaps?  I've never seen an official acknowledgement to this idea so I hope there is one soon.

    5,835 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 12:57 AM

    WGT response please?