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Disconnect % in game portal

rated by 0 users
Fri, Sep 21 2012 11:41 PM (0 replies)
  • trickee
    428 Posts
    Fri, Sep 21 2012 11:41 PM

    You know how the "Reputation" field still appears in the game portal when your joining or creating a game?  What if WGT were to replace that inactive field with the current Disonnect %, allowing players before entering a game the decision of what there tolerance level will be regarding mutiplayer completions.

    I'll bet alot of games never get started now because of this added feature and I understand how difficult it is at times joining a mutiplayer game. Maybe its the server, or maybe there are times you have a group where someone is too low and for whatever reason people start comming and going and the game never starts... just an idea