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Re: Best advise to birdy # 2 at St. Andrews

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Mon, May 24 2010 9:25 PM (6 replies)
  • golforfunguy66
    22 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 1:37 PM

     I have only birdied this hole twice and I wouldn't say it was from that I knew what I was doing. it was blind luck. I have never asked this but is that hole drivable ? I don't have a driver with that length ( currently using a WGT 245 )

    I can never get to the fringe on the 2nd shot so I get the slow roll to the tee. I either over shoot about 10 yards or under shoot the fringe by about 5 yards. I have learned my lesson in avoiding the right with the enormous undulations.

    The perfect 2nd shot would be to be about 115 out with about a 10 mile wind away or against  and land it on the fringe with a nice roll . Hence...I said the perfect shot : ) Any tipsters ?

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 1:44 PM

    I have never asked this but is that hole drivable ?


  • TarheelsRule
    5,581 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 1:52 PM

    I have never driven it but I have holed out twice for eagle from the fairway.  I find that it is much easier to play with a trailing wind.  If I get a drive to within 70 yards, I can hit a hit enough club into the pin and land it near the pin and stop it.  Landing it short 3 or 4 yards usually results in a ball rolling 25 feet.  The other attempt is to land it just at the edge of the ridge and let it feed to the hole, this is where I made 2 eagles and also the way in which I have 3 putted several times when it stopped above the hole.

  • golforfunguy66
    22 Posts
    Sat, May 22 2010 3:07 PM

    Sweetiepie you are on a whole other level than me. I'm not naive to think I could drive that hole with the 245 driver. I may buy up to the 257. My frustration levels are wearing on me. As many times I play I can't get to normally scoring a 33 or 32. I'm stuck at 35 and 34's.

  • haji97071
    192 Posts
    Sun, May 23 2010 10:42 AM


    I have never driven it but I have holed out twice for eagle from  the fairway.  I find that it is much easier to play with a trailing wind.  If I get a drive to within 70 yards, I can hit a hit enough club into the pin and land it near the pin and stop it.  Landing it short 3 or 4 yards usually results in a ball rolling 25 feet.  The other attempt is to land it just at the edge of the ridge and let it feed to the hole, this is where I made 2 eagles and also the way in which I have 3 putted several times when it stopped above the hole.

    Here is my opinion on #2, if I hit the ball at or near the hole, very seldom, does the ball stop.  usually goes 10-25 feet past the hole, my real complaint is when i hit the ball at the top of the green waiting for it to feed down to the hole and it stops on the downslope 10-12 feet from the pin, from that point, putt the ball for 2' and it will roll well past the hole if it doesn't go in.  

  • TheLighterDark
    1,404 Posts
    Mon, May 24 2010 6:54 PM

    Using mostly Starter Clubs, one can only be thankful for a par and move on to the next hole.

    However, if you're using upgraded equipment, especially on the Master level, it's a fair shot at birdie if you use full backspin and try to land the ball right at the most intense part of the downslope in front of the hole.

    This will typically leave you with a 6-8 footer coming back.

  • StrangeMagic
    1,304 Posts
    Mon, May 24 2010 9:25 PM

    I like SA number 2 with a headwind, I can land a wedge or 9 iron with full backspin 4-5 yds short and it will dribble down to the hole....(when all the stars are in

    Here is a replay of an eagle entitled: "How to avoid putting woes on SA nbr 2"


    replay.aspx?ID=459af70c 9097 4c4e 998c 9d5800eb6616