Ready goes are drying up,,Lower tier tee offs on the major courses! Olymp,,Cong,,Oak,,smother them with alternative tier tee offs,,red Blue etc etc,Bring the fun in,200 and 300 more more,,Comon!! shesh,Place is getting BORING!!
The ready go Olymp Blitz!! Hha,you picked the loop that has the most stupid shot i have ever seen, that 7 yard chip down the slope,why not pick the other loop? You want to make congressional blitz harder and get players to play..Vary the green speed and forget high winds,,slip Slow greens in now and again,High winds take ages to fill !! Kiawa is getting boring and players know that loop like the back on their hand,CHANGE THE LOOP lolol.Mix it up! sheesh,Same old same old same old!!!