Here is a thought WGT...
Have 3 % indicators
1) Detailing how often you actually pull out of a match without any errors being recorded
2) Detailing how oftern you are booted due to WGT server timeouts or other related errors
3) Detailing how often you have been booted from a match due your opponents quitting, thereby indicating your willingness to stick around.
Oh but wait, that would be far to dificult to track, can we please only track %'s for (1) above. I too have never bailed out on a multi-player match until two nights ago when the servers timed out, basically booting me. Once I followed the on-screen instructions to clear the problem, the lounge was not available and my % was altered to reflect my abandonment. Five minutes later it happend again, but atleast this time the lounge presented and I could rejoin my game. A little while later, one of my opponents dropped out with the same error (later comicated to me via pm), and we all forfieted the match...