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Re: CHEATS go without action taken

rated by 0 users
Wed, Oct 10 2012 12:27 PM (2 replies)
  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 11:04 AM

    I go to my RG tournies and find players that have over $200 in winning in less than a month of being a member, and report that I dont like being robbed of $$$ in the RGs by said players...reporting the name to the mod......NOTHIN HAPPENS....I get messages that say we are investigating??, why should I play with credits vs cheats?.....why SHOULDNT I join them (not that hard) if you wont get them the f outta here!!!???



  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 12:22 PM

    Removing players from the game completely is a process that requires investigation.  You cannot simply go to someones profile and say "yep, he/she is a cheat. Let's kick them out".  

    There are actually talented individuals out there that pick the game up pretty quick.  If someone has an eye for detail, sharp mathematical skills, and a quick finger, whom is to say they can't shoot low scores within a week of arrival at WGT. 

    Just give Icon and Pizza a few days to sort out the issue.  I am certain they will do the right thing, as they have done in the past.

    FWIW, I commend you for taking a stand and reporting what you believe to be "cheats".



  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Wed, Oct 10 2012 12:27 PM

    You cannot simply go to someones profile and say "yep, he/she is a cheat. Let's kick them out".

    This is correct. How would you feel if someone came to us about you, rjteeithi, saying you were a cheater and we simply believed them and disabled your account? I sure wouldn't like that.

    I'm glad you are being a helpful participant in the community by taking a stand against potential "cheaters", but please note that all claims of this sort must be reported to our support team, and an investigation will take place.


    Stay classy,
