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Re: quitters not choosing to forfeit

Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:16 PM (9 replies)
  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 11:23 AM

    quitters are still quitting, only now
    they drag us all to the lobby to wait for nothing.

    so, I think this forfeit option needs to be modified ASAP.

    some suggestions as to how to do that:

    1. don't gray out the forfeit button, leave it operational at all times,
    so that people can select it even when it's not their turn!

    2. write a script for the client's X button,
    so that when you click the X it forces you to choose to forfeit or keep playing,
    should say something like:
    "You're currently playing in an active round, what do you want to do?"
    and option buttons will be "forfeit", and "keep playing",
    and that would be the only way to close the client.

    (also I'd refrain from using the term "forfeit" since apparently
    it seems to offend the average quitter's gentle ego,
    so maybe change it to "stop playing" or "quit" or "end game"

    I've seen a lot of those popups in other sites,
    that asks you if  you wanna leave or stay when you hit the X button,
    normally it's rude, but in this case, it's common sense to make
    the player decide on forfeit in order to close down the client.

    I seriously hope this suggestion will be a reality,
    it's a good idea, that will prevent other players from ending in the lobby.

    wgtpizza, I hope you can send this to the upper floors asap,
    so we don't have to suffer lobby time when it's not necessary.

    also please let us filter players by their %,
    same as we do wither tier, also very important.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 6:47 AM

    Hate to tell you the percent isn't going to indicate whether a player quits or not as long as there are disconnects not due to players quitting. I started this weekend at 100% now I am at 73% and didn't hit my little red X button one time nor did my internet connection interrupt play from my end.

    I do like your suggestion of a script for the X button though or making it so one cannot X out of a match with the only exit option to use the existing forfeit button. That way when a disconnect happens one knows either a players internet connection or wgt's servers truely caused the problem...Possibly  making it sound nicer change the forfeit button to a concede button so egos may feel better.

  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 7:22 AM

    also please let us filter players by their %,
    same as we do wither tier, also very important.


  • RegGrundy
    15 Posts
    Mon, Oct 15 2012 7:43 AM

    also please let us filter players by their %,
    same as we do wither tier, also very important.




    If WGT would fix the forfeit when u don't prob mayhap id agree.  13 times in 16 games  WGT in its wisdom has said I forfeit on my last stroke.. even though i had not my % stat is totally thrown into a cocked hat![quote user="jld51"]


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 2:09 PM

    I urge you all to add your own -bump- to this thread,
    every time a player leaves your game without selecting "forfeit",
    basically forcing you all to be thrown into the lobby for no reason.

    until WGT gets the point, and add a "no X'ing without forfeit" script to the client


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 2:29 PM

    You cannot disable the 'X'.  However, you can intercept it and charge the player. You cannot always tell when a playrt has chosen to quit by other means.  Perhaps he/she pulled the plug to the tower.  Perhaps his/her house was stricken by a meteorite. Leaving the game by any means should be charged to the player.  The exception would be when WGT knows it has gone down.  If WGT puts up an error message, it is obviously NOT down. Those playing at that time should not be penalized.

    1,141 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 2:31 PM

    also please let us filter players by their %,
    same as we do wither tier, also very important.
    got my vote.... i dont mind the two an half minit wait tho...

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 4:58 PM


    You cannot disable the 'X'.  However, you can intercept it and charge the player. You cannot always tell when a playrt has chosen to quit by other means.  Perhaps he/she pulled the plug to the tower.  Perhaps his/her house was stricken by a meteorite. Leaving the game by any means should be charged to the player.  The exception would be when WGT knows it has gone down.  If WGT puts up an error message, it is obviously NOT down. Those playing at that time should not be penalized.

    I've seen numerous examples of disabling the x on a pop-up window,
    which is either grayed or is operational but pops a "are you sure" message,
    when you try to click it. so it is very much doable and pretty easy.

    when a player leaves the game unexpectidly,
    either due to power outage, or OS error/pc shutdown,
    then he obviously won't be clicking the X.

    what happens with genuine quitter is that they
    shut down the client to quit.

    preventing them to X the client,
    will make most of them to choose "end game" to complete shut down.

    I won't tell you that it can't be override, because it can,
    but the vast majority of players will not go through the trouble of it.

    if by clicking the X in the middle of a mp round,
    the average quitting A hole will see a popup message,
    that prompt him to "end" his game (and NOT "forfeit" god forbid he'll call it that),
    then I predict that 95% of quitters, which are lazy and dumb anyway,
    will click that option and leave without dragging everyone else along with them.

    tonight I had a 4some round @ olympic's front 9,
    we all struggled, but kept on playing.
    at the 7th hole, one A hole X'd and left us hanging in the lobby,
    for some reason the lobby timer didn't work, SO, instead of
    reloading the client, the rest of the players dropped like flies,
    leaving me to finish the round all by myself.

    a script that would force the first player to officially "end his game",
    when he shuts down the client, would keep the rest of the players
    in the game, where at least we would finish the round as three players,
    instead of me finishing it by myself.

    Dear benevolent admins. please pass this along:

    1. prevent players from shutting down the client in a m.p round
    without definitively opting to forfeit,
    (not in lobby mode though, so we can reload client if there's an error).

    2. change the term "forfeit" to something more "ego friendly" like "end game",
    and keep it operational at all times, so quitters won't have to wait for their turn to quit.

    3. give us the option to filter out players by their %,
    say [Any:: 60%+::70%+



  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:11 PM

    Decaff works well in this game


  • SilentOmegaWolf
    349 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:16 PM

    2. write a script for the client's X button,
    so that when you click the X it forces you to choose to forfeit or keep playing,
    should say something like:
    "You're currently playing in an active round, what do you want to do?"
    and option buttons will be "forfeit", and "keep playing",
    and that would be the only way to close the client.

    that would suck for me though because sometimes when the client freezes up on me i have to X out so i can reload the page and reenter the game...making me forfeit every time this happens would put me somewhere around 50% because it happens so frequently...