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Re: Requests

rated by 0 users
Sun, Oct 14 2012 7:50 PM (2 replies)
  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 5:34 PM

    I have 3 requests for WGT:

    1--- Allow fiends to play a CC tourney together instead of having to play solo and compete without the fun as paired opponents

    2--Make it possible to boot a "non-desireable" during Alt games and replace with another player from friend list or search option.

    .3--Make a "pickup tab" option for playing Cabo and Whistler so that the person inviting can pay fee for all or any .Not everyone has credits to play, so this would create more play on these two courses.

    No rush on this..... By.Wednesday will be fine.... :)

    4-----Forgot this one.  If a player has green light on for 15 minutes with no activity-----turn the damn thing off or make it red. !

  • DonR1231
    3,711 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 7:21 PM

    I would like to see WGT add more courses for stroke play on the country club tournament page.  Members are getting tired to playing the same nine courses all of the time.  You have 22 courses for closest to the hole, so why can't you expand the courses for stroke play.  Also, why can't we have alternate shot and match play tournaments added to the country club tournament page.  Would make it a lot more fun if we could switch around more than we can now.

    Also, I agree with all of the suggestions above.  Members get tired of playing tournaments by themselves and a lot of them have stopped participating because of this.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Sun, Oct 14 2012 7:50 PM

    No rush on this..... By.Wednesday will be fine.... :)

    plus lebenty-zillion for making my day.