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Re: Access to equipment while laying.

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Wed, Oct 17 2012 2:00 PM (3 replies)
  • BillR3000
    9 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 11:19 AM

    I would liketo suggest that wgt be programed so we can access the balls that are in our bag while playing a round or compition. Presently when we loose a ball, in the water etc. and it is the last of that type the system reverts to the unlimited ball whch are provided to all. This is done even when there are other purchaed balls in our bag.

    EXAMPLE: I have nike as well as calloway i my bag. I am using the nike, and loose the last one in the water. I have 8 Calloway balls in my bag, in addition to the unlimited. When I loose the nike, I cannot access the callaways in my bag. We should have the option to select the ball of our choice rather than being forced to use the unlimted ball of less quality.  We buy these balls because they have abilities built into them the unlimited do not have.

    In a real life situation on the course you can access the quality balls as you need to, because they are in the bag that is with you as you play. I agree we should not be able to change the clubs in the bag after the round starts. That wold be like going back home to get another club. Not reasonable, the balls are different.

    Thank you for your consideration BillR3000 


  • ladzrls
    286 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 1:30 PM


    I would liketo suggest that wgt be programed so we can access the balls that are in our bag while playing a round or compition. Presently when we loose a ball, in the water etc. and it is the last of that type the system reverts to the unlimited ball whch are provided to all. This is done even when there are other purchaed balls in our bag.

    EXAMPLE: I have nike as well as calloway i my bag. I am using the nike, and loose the last one in the water. I have 8 Calloway balls in my bag, in addition to the unlimited. When I loose the nike, I cannot access the callaways in my bag. We should have the option to select the ball of our choice rather than being forced to use the unlimted ball of less quality.  We buy these balls because they have abilities built into them the unlimited do not have.

    In a real life situation on the course you can access the quality balls as you need to, because they are in the bag that is with you as you play. I agree we should not be able to change the clubs in the bag after the round starts. That wold be like going back home to get another club. Not reasonable, the balls are different.

    Thank you for your consideration BillR3000 


    Hi there,

    The reason you cant change to your calloway after using your nikes that you started the round with is you have to play the round with the same balls, if in real golf tournaments you could do this then you would find rory or tiger using a hard ball to drive with and a soft ball to nail the green, if you wanna use your callys then you have to start with them.



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 1:37 PM

    Its the one ball rule - see the link below - the best explanation you will get.

    May pay to use one brand/type of ball and stock up on them.

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, Oct 17 2012 2:00 PM

    I would love to use distance balls on the drive, spin balls on the approach, and accurate balls on the green.  Get the picture?