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Re: Alternate shot for Credits

Thu, Oct 25 2012 10:19 PM (1 replies)
  • McDomination
    13 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 1:54 PM

    How about a game where you can play Alternate shot against an opponent for credits??

    I for one would definately play this.

    Also, how about having a sortable option for when searching for match play or skins games that would allow you to only search for games that meet your criteria for credits. (just like in online poker). I get tired of having people come into a skins game i am trying to fill who are only playing for 20 creds a skin. Have an option or small (10-40 per skin), medium (50-99 per skin) and large (100+ per skin) so you can avoid all that? Same thing goes for match play.


    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Oct 25 2012 10:19 PM

    All good ideas.

    Currently we set up a sleeve of balls for the winning team in ALT play in the lobby before we start.