hi horses here.. i would like to suggest that you add the option to set c.c. tours with tier restrickions. we have many different level of players in c.c. and have a few legends that are way better then the masters or tour masters. we have triedto set tours asking people to only join the tours set for thier tier. but its not working. if you could give us that option when we set a tour it sure would make it fair for all members. i dont think its that hard to do. seeing how you already have a tier level setting in place.
Been asked for many times and I cannot understand why WGT cannot implement this easily. This was the reason I left my last CC, I would set up tournys for pros and tour pros tiers only to look and see the leader was a legend. Either they could not read or could not be bothered about the lower tiers having their chance.
Yes please WGT, how about Tiered tourney Setup for Country Clubs?
Single tier or multiple tier please.
WGTPizza..... where are you?