As a club owner i send out alot of messages to club members so much so that have 351 pages.Other club owners will have the same problem as well, adding them all together and you have a hell of a lot of space taken up on wgt servers. Would it not be best to delete these say after 2 months or give us the option of a multi delete button.I am sure as hell not going to sit there and delete 351 pages it would take for ever to do.And just think of the space it would free up on WGT hard drives!!
The other thing is could you not give country club owners the right to cancel a tournament put up by a club member .Example we run a league in our club and sometimes admin put the games up wrong and we have to place other one on which in turn confuses members into which one to play.I am not talking about premium tournaments here just the free ones and it must be within a certain time limit say 1 hour.
for #1, I think our IT staff is keeping an eye on it, so they know when it's time but of course, thanks for the offer
for #2, I think it's problematic, especially when it's a credit tournament. I do not know the rules/laws about that, so I suspect it's just better leave it how it is:)