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Re: More Country Flags

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 4 2020 1:27 AM (9 replies)
  • thehairy1
    3 Posts
    Mon, May 31 2010 3:16 PM

    I would like to suggest including more flags from different countries. I am Scottish, but at the moment could only show my nationality as British.  And no, I don't see myself as British - I come from a nation called Scotland!

    Also, how about the possibility to re-take a shot in "practice mode"? Sometimes wish I had the chance to go over a difficult shot a few times.

    Otherwise, great game! And fantastic graphics - well done!



  • WGTniv
    1,788 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2010 3:13 PM

    Hi Hairy,

    The United Kingdom is a unitary state in which the four countries of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are constituent countries of the UK.  I believe for official purposes (since monetary transactions do take place here) you are required to be listed as a United Kingdom resident.  It's most likely for taxation purposes, but there are probably a few other reasons too.

    I can surely understand the want to show patriotism for your country, so in this situation I might suggest that you change your profile Avatar picture to the Scottish flag.  At least that way it'll be easily seen on your profile and everyone will know where you are truly representing from. =)

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jun 1 2010 8:40 PM

    I would like to suggest including more flags from different countries. I am Scottish, but at the moment could only show my nationality as British.  And no, I don't see myself as British - I come from a nation called Scotland!

    I am confused, Hairy1... if you're Scottish why are you flying a German flag?

  • thehairy1
    3 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 12:45 PM


    I would like to suggest including more flags from different countries. I am Scottish, but at the moment could only show my nationality as British.  And no, I don't see myself as British - I come from a nation called Scotland!

    I am confused, Hairy1... if you're Scottish why are you flying a German flag?


    Hi Snaike,

    Because I live and work in Germany! And, like I mentioned in the post , I don't see myself as "British".


  • thehairy1
    3 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 1:00 PM


    Hi Hairy,

    The United Kingdom is a unitary state in which the four countries of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales are constituent countries of the UK.  I believe for official purposes (since monetary transactions do take place here) you are required to be listed as a United Kingdom resident.  It's most likely for taxation purposes, but there are probably a few other reasons too.

    I can surely understand the want to show patriotism for your country, so in this situation I might suggest that you change your profile Avatar picture to the Scottish flag.  At least that way it'll be easily seen on your profile and everyone will know where you are truly representing from. =)


    Hi WGTniv,

    While I would agree with your definition of the UK in priciple, if you look at the Player rankings in any competition, I think you'll find that the players are accorded the names of their respective nations (and, I believe, the flags).

    I only wish to reflect my nationality in the game as would be seen within a competition. You can get an example of what I mean here:




  • Drury1g
    3 Posts
    Sun, May 24 2020 11:53 AM

    Absolutely spot on bud



  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, May 25 2020 5:36 AM


    Absolutely spot on bud



    You can get a Scot Flag just by EMailing- members@wouldgolftour

    and asking for one placed beside your name. They have done it for many others.

  • Wutpa
    4,803 Posts
    Wed, Jun 3 2020 11:05 PM

    Another 10 year old thread exhumed.

    Is this the virus lockdown effect?

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,680 Posts
    Thu, Jun 4 2020 1:14 AM


    Another 10 year old thread exhumed.

    Is this the virus lockdown effect?

    LOL Must be. Hadn't even noticed until you pointed it out.

    Let them have the Saltire, the Red Dragon, whatever they want! Let everyone have any flag they want.

    Moi, j'aimerais bien le Fleurdelisé personnellement.

  • craigswan
    32,192 Posts
    Thu, Jun 4 2020 1:27 AM

    A nicola lover from germany .

    She has friend's everywhere .