What ISN'T hanging since the last update? Everything was running fine for me until I cleared my flash cache today. I played Oakmont with no problem the night before... now nothing will load in less than 15 minutes if at all. WGT game client is responding like it's serving out @ 28kbps dial up.
This game is really getting slow and becoming way too high maintenance. Maybe I should migrate over to TWO.. because as of late WGT has just been hang up after hang up after hang up. It doesn't appear that WGT is doing ANYTHING to rectify the situation. Seemingly ignoring it as they do every other problem and blaming it solely on the end user. What a business strategy! LOL.
You'd think a decent business would attempt to do all in their power to improve the experience for the users... not expect their users to have to perform several tasks a week just to "try" to ensure that the game runs smoothly.