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Re: New balls

Fri, Nov 2 2012 4:01 AM (4 replies)
    1 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 10:46 AM

    Why you don't sell  ball's with logo of charity association and reverse a part to them . For exemple balls whith red cross or  Red Crescent .

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 3:53 PM

    I have mentioned this before and think it's a great idea. Even if they have these available for a short term (Say Breast Cancer Awareness Week) or as you say, for the Red Cross as this is a time they need donations in light of Sandy.

    I am sure any legalities could easily be ironed out to allow this. Time to give back a little for good causes - how about WGT

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 11:16 PM

    I am sure any legalities could easily be ironed out to allow this


    Bet they couldn't ?, 'minefield' and 'steer clear' are three words that spring to mind....

    WGT need not concern themselves with philanthropy imo..unless it pertains to my free Max sleeves or Pizza's weekend jaunts to Acapulco, for chilling the mob....{:-)

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Thu, Nov 1 2012 11:40 PM


    I am sure any legalities could easily be ironed out to allow this


    Bet they couldn't ?, 'minefield' and 'steer clear' are three words that spring to mind....

    WGT need not concern themselves with philanthropy imo..unless it pertains to my free Max sleeves or Pizza's weekend jaunts to Acapulco, for chilling the mob....{:-)

    They are already doing some philanthropic work. The 500 credit CTTH tournet they had a few months ago a portion of the entry went to the American Heart foundation. At least I think that was the organization they helped through that tourney. And I don't think they would have the skin cancer tourney with out helping the Skin Cancer foundation.

  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Fri, Nov 2 2012 4:01 AM

    Again, I would love to hear good news. Couple bucks here, couple bucks there. Gimme a Cammo ball and let me buy it for my Bro. When he gets back, I'll introduce the game. Give procedes to military families. I know you're in SF, but San Diego appreciates sacrifice on a different level. Do THAT and then tell us about it. I'd be more than impressed. I ain't hittin' that Cammo ball 'till Brother is back......That one is for him. Interested to hear back from anyone,