WGTicon: is not broken j
The main flaw in the Message system is the lack of ability to enter multiple friends to send the same message.
There is the option at the top of the New Message window to do that. However, while you can add SOME extras to the message, it simply wont allow ALL friends.
I tried to send a multiple message to three others, I tried sending the message from each of their profiles, ONE of them - different each time wouldnt be found as i typed their name in 'you dont have friend of this name' (or similar).
This needs to be fixed, there should also be the option to select GROUP message or PRIVATE message, at the moment they are sent as GROUP messages, so that each recipient, when replying replies to the GROUP.
We also need a New Message indicator in the Game Screen, click to get a small pop up and read with the ability to reply.
Its impossible to set up games through the current messaging system. An external client/ IM program is needed to do this.
Further to that, a Country Club chat room would be BRILLIANT.