in preparation of a matchplay competition between two German CCs - Golfaholics (GA) vs. White Rabbits (WR) - the opinions about the set-up of matches between different tiers are miles apart - I need some opinions.
We plan 9 hole rated matches, probably scored at 9 holes - no play till the win.
Problem is, GA has more players of higher tiers at the start than WR. How to cover this? (Legends to Tour Pros are in the race)
General thoughts are, the higher tier plays from longer tees, but the lower tier plays on unfamiliar greens. How to value these "handicaps"?
1) Is it o.k. to have the majority of games between different tiers, where one CC places higher tiers and the other the lower ones, or would it be advisable to have matches of equal tiers with only a few exceptions?
2) How to value the tier differences? Are there any "handicapping" regulations available? Is it o.k., as an example, to give the first hole to the lower tier in all cases?
3) Any opinions about matches with a two-tier difference? Advisable? DON'Ts? Allowance?