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Re: Tour legends

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 14 2012 2:42 PM (2 replies)
  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 11:57 AM

    After shooting a 29 in a 200cr tourney this week i thought i would finally make a few credits back.Mind you it was the second time ive ever broken 30 and to my amazement made a whopping 17cr ontop of my playing fee. Guess who was ontop of the leaderboard shooting a fantastic 26,yes a tour legend. I have nothing against these guys and gals dont get me wrong but why is it they are amongst the legend tiers in some of the ready gos?Obviously they have that status for a reason suggesting they are better than most at the game especially me but my point is if w.g.t want to try fair things out a little,why not seperate the tour legends from the legends playing field in rgs. In my opinion if you cant shoot under 30 these days your lucky to get back half your fee which sort of takes the fun out of it



  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 12:06 PM

    Hi Troy,

    there are two kinds of ready-goes: tiered and non-tiered.

    Tiered ready-goes:

    For those RG, the tier is explicitely written in the name of the ready-go (see for example here for a legend ready-go and here for a tour legend ready-go). For those RG, only players from that specific tier can play

    Non-tiered ready-goes:

    This is the main kind of ready-go (no tier written in the name of the tourney). For those RG, any player from any tier can enter and play.

    Hope this helps,


  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Wed, Nov 14 2012 2:42 PM

    Thankyou  that sheds some light on my query