Yes WGT gives us the number of putts you made in those ranges as a per cent of all putts.
So add 'em up. Here are the OPs stats:
% Putts Made from 0 - 5 Feet |
44.47% |
% Putts Made from 5 - 10 Feet |
7.70% |
% Putts Made from 10 -25 Feet |
4.22% |
% Putts Made from 25 - 50 Feet |
0.73% |
% Putts Made from 50+ Feet |
0.03% |
% Made of all Putts ...................57.15%
The remainder are Putts Missed 42.85%
Look at it in a chart.

Don't focus on the % Putts Made from 0-5' as those include the tap-ins from all the other putts you miss. Practice the 5-15 foot putts and grow the % of Putts Made 5-10' and % Putts Made 10-25'.
Compare your stats to one of the top players on WGT, Bolloxnbruges:
% Putts Made from 0 - 5 Feet |
45.07% |
% Putts Made from 5 - 10 Feet |
19.68% |
% Putts Made from 10 -25 Feet |
9.66% |
% Putts Made from 25 - 50 Feet |
0.63% |
% Putts Made from 50+ Feet |
0.06% |
% Made of all Putts.....................75.1%
Putts Missed.....................24.9%
That's just sick Bollie!! LOL
Use this data as a baseline to compare where you're at a few months from now.