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Re: Game Play: Totally Pathetic

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 21 2012 11:59 AM (6 replies)
  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 10:35 AM

    Ever sense the last so called maintenance  to the game, game has gone totally to shite. Every day now, am losing connections 4-5 times. Game is responding slower, when loading. What is the purpose of doing maintenance, when it is clear that WGT cant fix anything. Before this last so called fix, I can honestly say , that I for one did not have these problems.So thanks WGT , for nothing. It always seems that before they will make the game better , they would rather make it worse. It would be nice if they would hire people who know what the hell they are doing. I`m sorry, I forgot , they arent that smart.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Nov 20 2012 10:41 AM

    Hi lonniescott711,

    You have been around long enough to know that browser maintenance is critical to playing WGT. It is especially critical that you perform browser maintenance after every maintenance.

    Your browser stores files locally to quickly load assets. If those assets are changed (maintenance) and you don't clear your old stored assets, that is a possible reason for you to experience loading problems.

    Please perform browser maintenance. First, Clear Your Cache. Then, Clear Your Cookies. Last but not least, Clear Your Flash Cache.

    That last step I have found to be the most helpful. I do it multiple times a day and I can play WGT without any loading problems. I hope this helped, let me know if you have any questions.


    Stay classy,


  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 10:24 AM

    "clear your flash cache" say you do this multiple times a day.

    So i clicked the link to see if it helps my game, but what do you do after you click that link, there's soo many options to choose from.


  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 10:35 AM


    "clear your flash cache" say you do this multiple times a day.

    So i clicked the link to see if it helps my game, but what do you do after you click that link, there's soo many options to choose from.


     Clear Your Flash Cache.

    click on this one, the in the box delete all websites. remember you will have to close your browser and re-open it, make sure you reset your options under the menu once you go back into the play screen

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 10:35 AM


    "clear your flash cache" say you do this multiple times a day.

    So i clicked the link to see if it helps my game, but what do you do after you click that link, there's soo many options to choose from.


    Click the button that says "Delete all sites."  Then next time you play, click "Options" in the game window menu to reset options back to what you prefer, such as flash quality, ball trails, reflections, etc.

    edit: SgtB beat me to it.

  • stevenharkin
    1,921 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 11:53 AM

    thanks guys

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 11:59 AM


    Last but not least, Clear Your Flash Cache.

    That last step I have found to be the most helpful. I do it multiple times a day

    Unless you're playing mad golf like most here this is not a good move.  Even if you are playing mad golf it's still not a good move.Routinely clearing that Flash cache does cause loading delays, especially if your ISP is the least bit flaky.

    From Nivlac's post in March of 2010.......

    You should NOT clear your caches every day or every week. That will only cause you more headache because you will constantly be downloading game assets. You should only clear caches when we release a Product Update or if you start to experience prolonged loading issues.