In total agreement with everything sremlin has written!
The only concern I can see (from a WGT perspective) is each time we move a tier, it invariably requires a club upgrade to remain competitive. By allowing a player to buy say the R11s early (although it would not be at its full potential) will negate them from requiring further upgrades. This is the sticking point, hence why I said perhaps to unlock the potential of the club will require further payment to upgrade. This should partially/possibly fully offet the loss but I am not sure if WGT would do this unles the numbers added up.
I tried this club at my golf club last week and was seriously a great driver - best I have driven in a long while (I have churned through a few drivers over the years). Did it make me drive like a PGA Tour Pro....NO. But it was a great improvement and backs a real life experience with your idea.
After the chat with MisterWGT I finally believe that WGT do listen, and again thanks to WGTPizza (for also pursuing these ideas).. I know they are a thousand things to do and too little time, but ideas like this I think do need more exploring, so thanks also to sremlin
Final point John - edit your post and delete the name before Pizza has you for dinner lol.