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Re: Messages

Fri, Jun 7 2013 1:50 PM (21 replies)
  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Wed, Dec 5 2012 4:49 AM

    Oh XSweetCarolineX.... I do like your idea and think it a good one.

    I can picture it now ;

    A message from sweet Caroline pops in... I get so excited I duck hook my shot into the trees on Olympic... I promptly answer her dear message.

    Poised to recover,  in the middle of my down swing in pops her sweet reply...Swoosh I slice my next one to the beach.... I pause to reply and get my next shot safely on the green 15 feet from the pin in anticipation

    Putt lined up perfectly... swing to knock it the cup. Ahh it comes. I immediately shank it left and down off the green....Does it matter... naw I be having fun with Caroline.

    (just a little humor from a slightly off kilter mind)

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Fri, Jun 7 2013 1:50 PM


    I'm very sorry if this question has been posed before, but I can't find it anywhere so will go ahead & ask:

    Is there any reason why a small notification box can't be made to pop up in the game window when one receives a message in their inbox?

    I doubt if very many players would interrupt their game to go check messages, just in case they missed one or two...but if they KNEW there were messages there they would check...I'm sure.

    Said messages appear in the players email almost instantly...surely we could have something in the game window?

    Just asking :)



    Sorry to drag this up again, but I was about to raise the exact same point and can't for the life of me understand why this hasn't happened? Surely it can't be beyond our technical people to sort this? BTW...... please don't charge us for it !!