The surveys are at best hit and miss.
I have had success about 65% of the time.
The other 35% you learn not to bother and just move on.
The surveys used pay much more I dont do them as often any more.
However what I will tell you, is give them what they want.
If yu are entering a survey on Breakfast cereal - YOU do ALL the shopping, YOU are a femal with children.
If you enter a survey on Credit Cards, YOU are an executive male, with 0 kids and a mortgage.
Apart from that, dont THINK too much about how accurate your answers are, if you take to long deliberating over your answer, the survey may fill before you finish. Hence you no longer qualify.
Whip through them, for an enahnced sense of 'worth your time'
Also understand there are 2 sections to a survey a preliminary qualify and then the survey itself when you qualify.
Yes unfortunately this Qualifier does take liberties and ask far too many questions which are also buillding data for them.
I tend to take advantage of the OFFERS now.
GoDaddy, buy a domain name for $9 get $27 of credits.
No brainer. who cares if you actually USE the domain name - dont set it on auto-renewal.