1. (easy I think) I'd like to be able to "Drop Match" while waiting in the lobby for a player to return.
Currently you cannot get to that option...
Why?...Well I only play with friends (others may like this too) and when my friends cannot get logged back on, I'd like the "drop match" option, and save my buds some percentage points.
2. (thiss may require some serious programming...but since I genrally play with friends only, I can wait...)
When one in our group is having connection issues and can't gte back in the lobby, I'd like us to be able to let the 5min timer run, then once that player is out of the game, have the option to select another player from ones friends list, in order to complete the game.
As mentioned befor, since I just play with friends, or friends of friends, we hate seeing a disconnect after 7 holes in a tight game, and having aforfiet decide the match...I don't care about the win/loss tracking, but like the idea of being able to finish!