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Re: The 9th hole at Oakmont

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Fri, Jul 23 2010 9:46 AM (18 replies)
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    10,728 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 2:34 PM

    9th Oakmont is EASY..Play for last bunker leaves an easy uphill slight left to right shot,Gues you want the yardage to hit too? soory you will have to get that yourself,:)

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 2:55 PM

    I lay up and hit a wedge just to the left and past the hole ...  the ball comes right back down to it (handful of birdies and a ton of short par putts so far).

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 3:17 PM

    I lay up and hit a wedge just to the left and past the hole

    Are there certain wind conditions where you try for the green on your second shot?

  • chipshotcharlie
    538 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 4:23 PM

    Check a saved replay on my profile of hole2 aproach shot flew pin high then backspin into the cup for eagle.just like the pro`s lol

    Sorry for off topic but thought it would show what is possible it was done in tourny conditions.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 9:40 PM

    My tactic (slightly pathetic I must admit) is to just play it calmly into the bunker. After a few times doing this you get to be an expert on the shot from the bunker and you usually ensure par, which is OK on that hole.


    It is true. The bunker shot can be tamed, the putting cannot. It's a little bit like BPB #9...I aim for the right sand trap for the same reason unless the wind delivers a perfect tee ball that delivers another option. Sand can be tamed.

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Thu, Jun 10 2010 10:17 PM

    Are there certain wind conditions where you try for the green on your second shot?

     Short answer is NO ... not from the tournament tees, at least. 

     I HAVE tried ... and only left realistic birdie putts a couple times.  And we all know that those 40-footers are like. I can miss that first putt and leave 15 feet for par ..... OR I can lay up, wedge it in, and leave myself a short, short par putt.

    IMO, the risk seriously outweighs the reward of trying to get it close in 2 shots.

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Sun, Jun 13 2010 2:08 PM

    FOR OAKMONT # 9...2 Things...A shift in thinking...and learn a couple of basic shots.


    Green In Regulation is a False Prophet and BIRDIE is a Mythical Fallacy.  Divorce your usual thinking from thinking that these are goals to achieve on this hole - or you will be 3 and 4 putting.

    Treat these holes as many of us treat BPB #5 and BPB # 15 - PLAY FOR PAR.  (Yes, occasional Birdies HAVE AND DO occur on those holes...and they will here also....but they will come primarily from off the green.

    GIR is generally a goal we strive for as it leads to a consistent game and lower scores.  BIRDIEs also fall in line with that same general concept.

    ON OAKMONT # 9 HOWEVER, these two concepts are like the $100 you see lying on the sidewalk - and just as you reach for it, the invisible string yanks it 10 feet away.   And again.  and again.  How many times will you reach for it before you get the message that it won't happen?  Same thing with the idea of a BIRDIE here.  Landing the second shot on the Green on this hole most usually leads to a miserable ultimate outcome (i.e. a 5 6 or 7 for the hole).  FORGET IT.  FOCUS ON PAR for now.

    BOTTOM LINE:  For this hole, forget the conventional wisdom regarding Green In Regulation as your 3rd shot is much more resourcefully used as described in A below.


    A.  The short wedge shot for the 3rd shot  - this means your second shot is a LAYUP to the fairway JUST SHORT of the ROUGH or Bunker OR EVEN into the ROUGH or Bunker if you are comfortable playing from there (this is what I do).



    # 9 - LEARN THIS SHOT TO MAKE PAR HERE{%20"GUID"%20:%20"e61acf27-1780-428f-9ec2-9d8c003949fe",%20"Brand"%20:%20"undefined"%20}

    B.  Fairly often, a less-than-perfect execution of A above, will leave the ball 6-8 feet RIGHT OR LEFT of the Hole.  You will see this putt often.  Yes, I realize it is right up against a steep-breaking hump located just uphill from the cup.  YES I realize the way the putting grid "beads" are moving appears IMPOSSIBLE....BUT....This putt CAN be made with some PRACTICE.  The two putts 6-8 feet RIGHT or LEFT of the cup are somewhat SIMILAR but not necessarily identical due to variations in the green.  LEARN to play your putt against that hard break just uphill from the cup - it can actually HELP YOU ROLL THE BALL IN WITH SOME PRACTICE.


    # 9 - LEARN THIS PUTT TO MAKE PAR HERE{%20"GUID"%20:%20"5b2674f0-2bf9-4867-8f05-9d940145a17f",%20"Brand"%20:%20"undefined"%20}

    If you can put together a game where you can execute these shots consistently your round totals will start to come down.

    A WORD ON GEAR...Everyone has different GEAR...but the basics apply universally - whatever your gear of choice is, you can learn to make shots like these.  Everyone will have different "adjustments" or preferences they prefer (i.e. some intentionally like to strike the ball just off the centerline, some like to backspin and so forth) - FOR YOUR GEAR AND YOUR PLAY STYLE, THESE SHOTS CAN BE LEARNED - but only through PRACTICE can you figure them out for yourself.  There is no universal magic answer.

    I have not given away any State Secrets here - because the key overall will still be PRACTICE and honing these shots to a REASONABLY CONSISTENT** outcome each time.

    So once again it all comes down to some practice and feel.

    (** Why is REASONABLY CONSISTENT with two **s following it?  Because NO ONE is perfect.  I miss these shots occasionally and mis-hit them.  We all will....but I will take 3 out of 4 on these ANY DAY.)

    PLAY ON, AtlantaCoaster

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Tue, Jun 15 2010 9:59 AM

    Play for the bunker and hope for the ball rolling back off the hill into the hole. Failing that a short putt for par is usually the worst you'll face.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Fri, Jul 23 2010 9:46 AM

    Thanks for the tips, all. The normal conditions are now easier - with Very Fast Greens is it still taboo to go for the pin in two?

    I've had some success laying up to leave for a full lofted wedge (remember that this hole was originally a par 5). That leaves me a par putt of a pretty gnarly 5 feet or so, but that's closer than I could get with a putt from the clubhouse porch.

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