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Re: New Max Putter

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:46 PM (8 replies)
  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 9:56 AM

    I got the Master one, but I just looked at the level 80 one. It has exact same specs, and mine was more for credits. What the heck. I do not get that you keep both. If there is not a noticeable change to the two, then why keep both?

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:02 AM

    Different meter scales

  • jld51
    406 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:10 AM


    The new one has 300ft scale on it lol.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:12 AM

    The new one has 300ft scale on it lol.

    Hi, Rip Van Winkle. LOL. Not sure if there's one that doesn't have it.  ;-)

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:20 AM


    The new one has 300ft scale on it lol.

    Hi, Rip Van Winkle. LOL. Not sure if there's one that doesn't have it.  ;-)


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:27 AM



    The new one has 300ft scale on it lol.

    Mine has the 300ft scale the Master one. There is just these difference from the two. the 20 and 40, 80, 100 increments from Master is now on the new one is 15 and 45, 90, 120.

    I rather keep the Master one. Not enough change to go there.

    Looks like I am stuck with what I got for long time, because what I got is better than most new stuff being added. Those ATV wedges tried on free rental day, and the only one was good was the 100 yard one. Until they come out with higher equipment, I got pretty much the best.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:45 AM


    Mine has the 300ft scale the Master one. There is just slight difference from the two. the 20 and 40, 80, 100 increments from Master is now on the new one is 15 and 45, 90, 120.

    I rather keep the Master one. Not enough change to go there.

    Those dots aren't always exactly the same between clubs. This might not make a huge amount of sense but when the Satin wedges were expanded to include the 2 oilcan versions-the 90 and the 110-they had the same specs as all the rest BUT they were far superior. That caused some confusion and the only way you knew was to actually play them. 

    I'm not sure it's worth $22.50 to find out but that little scale  change keeps WGT in the "we don't alter clubs" arena but would let them make the higher level one different even though they have the same dots.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Dec 6 2012 10:51 AM



    Mine has the 300ft scale the Master one. There is just slight difference from the two. the 20 and 40, 80, 100 increments from Master is now on the new one is 15 and 45, 90, 120.

    I rather keep the Master one. Not enough change to go there.

    Those dots aren't always exactly the same between clubs. This might not make a huge amount of sense but when the Satin wedges were expanded to include the 2 oilcan versions-the 90 and the 110-they had the same specs as all the rest BUT they were far superior. That caused some confusion and the only way you knew was to actually play them. 

    I'm not sure it's worth $22.50 to find out but that little scale  change keeps WGT in the "we don't alter clubs" arena but would let them make the higher level one different even though they have the same dots.

    Still not enough to make me put another $22.50 for slight change in dots either that you won't notice unless using the clubs. Only way is wait for another free rental day. Almost sounds like going to store to buy a tv, and the salesman sales all these things to get you to buy one that you can't even tell enough difference to even make the purchase.

  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:46 PM


    I got the Master one, but I just looked at the level 80 one. It has exact same specs, and mine was more for credits. What the heck. I do not get that you keep both. If there is not a noticeable change to the two, then why keep both?

    I said this earlier in another thread.The level 80 + one has the 45 and 90 foot increments like the Redwoods. So this version may be geared to players who use one of the 2 Redwoods. They said it has the increments that the top players like but as far as I know there has never been a putter with a 120 foot increment. 150 yes, but not 120.