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Re: Driving range w/ a twist

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 7 2012 7:05 PM (8 replies)
  • looselugnutz
    1,593 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 10:37 AM

    I know I've seen the suggestion for a practice facility (i.e. driving range, putting green, etc.) in here before, but I'd like to toss in my 2 cents on the topic with a different slant.  I normally "warm up" by playing a few practice holes prior to playing ranked rounds.  Trying to get my timing down beforehand to avoid a bad case of CCFS (Can't Click For S***) I find rather essential, and helps mentally prepare me for a round or two. 

    This morning, in the relative peace and quiet, I had a somewhat nice round going.  For me, anyway.  2 under through 7 in an Oakmont tourney with newly purchased clubs.  Then my housemate woke up and started tromping through the house, breaking wind, asking questions, and commenting on everything from the weather to the flowers to the pollution of the interior air.  Next thing I know I've gone 5 over on 8, 9, and 10.

    I'd dearly love to shut this round down at times like this to avoid having my game go so radically awry, and pick it up at a later time when things settle down, but I risk restarting and having CCFS rear its ugly head.  Having a practice facility where I could work on my timing prior to resuming this round would be oh so sweet, and I'm sure widely accepted by the WGT community.

    Just another real life viewpoint on a cyber game of golf.  Hopefully those at WGT will give the idea more consideration in future releases.

    Thanks for listening.  See you all on the links.


  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 10:58 AM

    i've mentioned the very same thing a number of times since i do exactly what u do .. practice hole or 2 before a tourney or ranked round .. 

    would be nice .. but don't see it happenin' anytime soon .. if at all


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 11:26 AM

    You already have it. Its called practice rounds, stroke play. You can play 3,9,or 18 hole selection. This is why WGT wont give us a practice / driving range. You can adjust the game settings, to your specifications. I would like to see, practice settings, for the C.T.T.H. courses. The same settings , where we can change the wind settings , and if possible , even make the courses, so we can putt on them. That would be a nice addition to the game.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 1:57 PM

    Its called practice stroke play rounds. you can play 3,9,or 18 holes. Also you can change settings from tees to greens. This is why there is no practice range.I have suggested practice settings for the C.T.T.H. courses.It would be nice to practice with our irons, and maybe add a putting option to it as well. So far no response. But the driving range or practice green, will probably always be a no go. Happy Swinging

  • looselugnutz
    1,593 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 5:51 PM

    Not so much that, Lonnie, as I do know of and use practice rounds quite frequently.  But when you save a game, upon returning you have to either resume the game or forfeit it...  There's no other option.  I can't play a practice round or 'warm up' in any way when I have a game saved.  If that option does exist, I am competely unaware of it.  It would just be nice not to have to resume the saved round immediately upon return.  After all, real life golfers get to warm up after a weather delay.  Why not us?

  • jigglybutt
    208 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 6:01 PM

    I suggested the same  thing looselugnutz and apparently it's sheer stupidity of us to ask this of wgt. I've been called lazy and told I need to practice by folks who shoot maybe 1 stroke better than me. Its almost comical. I mean Sometime people just wanna practice certain things. But hey Its the most realistic game yet no driving range or practice greens.

    I don't know anyone who goes golfing in real life and does not hit up the putting green before they get out on the actual course.



  • Divot1971
    52 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 6:02 PM


    Not so much that, Lonnie, as I do know of and use practice rounds quite frequently.  But when you save a game, upon returning you have to either resume the game or forfeit it...  There's no other option.  I can't play a practice round or 'warm up' in any way when I have a game saved.  If that option does exist, I am competely unaware of it.  It would just be nice not to have to resume the saved round immediately upon return.  After all, real life golfers get to warm up after a weather delay.  Why not us?

    Well WGT likes to say how realistic this game is so i am sure if you go out in the back yard and hit some golf balls you will be warmed up when you return to the game.

  • TracyMax
    2,361 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 6:28 PM


    I suggested the same  thing looselugnutz and apparently it's sheer stupidity of us to ask this of wgt. I've been called lazy and told I need to practice by folks who shoot maybe 1 stroke better than me. Its almost comical. I mean Sometime people just wanna practice certain things. But hey Its the most realistic game yet no driving range or practice greens.

    I don't know anyone who goes golfing in real life and does not hit up the putting green before they get out on the actual course.



    Ask for a putting green and we get a unreal putting challenge. 250 yrd putts?? Been playing for 2 yrs, the putting green won't happen, nor a driving range. 

  • PhilA2
    441 Posts
    Fri, Dec 7 2012 7:05 PM

    But you now have Beta Golf Bag Bugs!!