I know I've seen the suggestion for a practice facility (i.e. driving range, putting green, etc.) in here before, but I'd like to toss in my 2 cents on the topic with a different slant. I normally "warm up" by playing a few practice holes prior to playing ranked rounds. Trying to get my timing down beforehand to avoid a bad case of CCFS (Can't Click For S***) I find rather essential, and helps mentally prepare me for a round or two.
This morning, in the relative peace and quiet, I had a somewhat nice round going. For me, anyway. 2 under through 7 in an Oakmont tourney with newly purchased clubs. Then my housemate woke up and started tromping through the house, breaking wind, asking questions, and commenting on everything from the weather to the flowers to the pollution of the interior air. Next thing I know I've gone 5 over on 8, 9, and 10.
I'd dearly love to shut this round down at times like this to avoid having my game go so radically awry, and pick it up at a later time when things settle down, but I risk restarting and having CCFS rear its ugly head. Having a practice facility where I could work on my timing prior to resuming this round would be oh so sweet, and I'm sure widely accepted by the WGT community.
Just another real life viewpoint on a cyber game of golf. Hopefully those at WGT will give the idea more consideration in future releases.
Thanks for listening. See you all on the links.