Well after going to my local Chinese Buffet tonight I happened to stop by the new Sports store in town. I took a look at these new blades from Taylor Made called Rocket Bladez.
Here is the run down:
Price: $599.00 PW-3
Feel: Very light weight for steel shafts & feel smooth with a 1/2 back swing (In store :) )
Club Head: Very shallow for cavity type clubs, unless they were not intentionally made this way.
Sole: Normal face with small sweet spot which makes it appear to not have much forgiveness.
Balance: Very nice from shaft to club head, almost feels like an extension of your body when swinging.
Overall: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars due to the size of the club face and deepness of the sole.
Rather pricey for steel shaft clubs.
I also tried out the 3 Taylor Made Ghost putters ( $179.99 each) they had and the best one with balance and feel was the Spider (level 35 & 66 on WGT site)
The other two were Ghost Spider S (level 19 here) and Ghost Manta & Rossa
Which seemed a little heavy and not as balanced as the Ghost spider S series
Happy Golfing!