My O/S is Vista....when i use Chrome i have full screen and no problems with chat, however if i use Max 3, then i get the message close full screen to chat. I assumed it was a browser issue.
Have you tried hitting F11 when you are in the min. screen? Try that if it does not work, hit the 4 way arrow to enlarge and hit it "4 way" to min. screen then hit F11.
Hope that works, I use Max 3 and it works for me.
borntobesting: courteneyfish:By the way I've never had the problem with being unable to post on full screen, It is not the browser full screen that he is talking about. It is the crappy WGT full screen you get when you click on the full screen icon next to the volume control. I don't think chat works with that and it looks awful besides. All of the browser full screen modes look much much better.
courteneyfish:By the way I've never had the problem with being unable to post on full screen,
It is not the browser full screen that he is talking about. It is the crappy WGT full screen you get when you click on the full screen icon next to the volume control. I don't think chat works with that and it looks awful besides. All of the browser full screen modes look much much better.
YA - what he said !! now that i'm on maxthon full screen is not an issue.