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Re: wgt nation member

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 17 2012 9:10 PM (1 replies)
  • lepitcher
    18 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 3:35 PM


    how u become a wgt nation member  some says u got to buy product what i did some says they invite u etc  

    just wanna know   ty

    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Dec 17 2012 9:10 PM

    It was a superfluous thing they gave to a certain criteria of members. Which ended up being a farce because the link to apply became public so it wasn't as exclusive as they hoped.


    Being a WGT Nation Member means nothing.

    We have a special tournament made once, once.


    You're not missing anything.

    The little pennant that we now have to put up with looks like a tacked on afterthought in the GUI of WGT.