Hello fellas.
Anyone of us had or will have meet people that during the chat, while waiting other people for an alternate or the correct bet for a challenge, use inappropriate language towards you or other players. That kind of s**t happened to me just an half hour ago where the opponent reject my bet for the chellenge and start to spoke dirty. I usually didn't give a f**k, rather I join myself thinking a this persons like little men that behind their monitor getting scared with ev'ryone: I would like to meet this persons for real and see how braves they are face to face. Pathetic losers.
Come off this subject thread. I send a pm to Icon clarify what happened and meanwhile I write him I got an idea. Why do not create a sort of jottor for advise (sanction) to those people who spoke big for their tiny heads?
I understand who get mad during the game but have free insult isn't the kind of spot that real members want to read. Basic idea: someone insult you, take to WGT the evidence of this dirty spoken to you and the lucky dog will get the "first strike". You know what I'm talking about and at third "you're out". Sanctions will be steady by WGT Staff.
That's all, maybe I'll go boring but I'm sick and tired of those persons.
Thanks for reading.