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Re: What this needs is a Practice

rated by 0 users
Fri, Dec 21 2012 7:34 PM (3 replies)
  • steveosh
    102 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 7:44 AM

    What this needs is a practice mode, where a person can drop as many balls in a spot and be able to hit multiple times,  so he can get use to his clubs - and  even a practice green where someone can pick a green and be able to drop a ball or two in a spot and practice hitting.

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 9:16 AM

    Agreed, definately sort of mulligans style, someone even suggested for example 100 credits for 10 mulligans, personally NO, just reduce the life of your balls, dont see why we should pay more for this feature

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Thu, Dec 20 2012 5:08 PM

    Why...FYI, there's a couple of golf games out there that have almost everything you desire and one has been around for a very long time.

    You want to get used to your clubs go to the Courses feature and you can play any single hole on any course over and over.

    You want to practice putting ...use the practice course feature. Set it up for the conditions you want. When you get to the green...take your putt if you miss.... hit it away from the hole, read the break etc and try again. Keep taking another until you sink it or run out of hits. Then go to the next hole and do it again..Take notes .....This is one of the best ways to learn any green on any course at any speed or difficulty....You can't get that with a practice green as it is virtually impossible to put all of the breaks etc. of all of the courses on a putting green.

  • steveosh
    102 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 7:34 PM

    you shouldn't have to turn it around to have to put again... should be able to drop several balls. if you want to practice putting, if you want to practice Chip shots, then you should be able too.

    They want to be as real as you get, , well every golf course i ever played at has a practice green for putts, an area to practice chips, and some even have a bunker

    Another thing Ball life???? I realize they want to make money and this is how they do, but Never have i ever heard of such a thing,  Without actually loosing the ball I use the same ball for 2-3 years and get the same distance out of a ball as if it was new or 2 years old.

    I use to play alot (1-2) rounds a week from end of March upto Sept-oct