I don't play in many of the stroke play ready go's but when it become tier specific, especially in what I assume is the smallest tier, I would think it would take a long time to fill and pay out. I understand the need for tier specific tournaments but I was having the same issue and when you have high credit tournaments, for example a 2,000 credit tournament that takes weeks to complete, you can have people who have 25k in credits tied up in tournaments making them credit poor.
I generally play the CTTH ready goes, a few 100 to 300 credit stroke play ready go's and some blitz challenges. That way my credits are all only out for a few days at the longest and even though I am credit rich at the moment, it would not keep me from doing what I want if I was low in credits.
The other thing is I like to see how I am doing in the ready goes. When you put out credits for weeks at a time it becomes a little harder to track. I know you can go to your account and put the pieces together but who wants to do that.