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RE: Congratulations! You have been successfully entered into the December St Andrews Sweeps.

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 31 2012 2:13 PM (1 replies)
  • flyingguillotine
    1 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 10:58 PM

    I just received an email see below:

    It states i have been successfully entered into December St. Andrews Sweeps, Closest to to the hole Tournament...  

    The email includes a link to play the tournament.  


    When I click the link, I am taken to a page that 'offers' me to enter a tournament. 


    My questions:

    1) Why do I have to enter a tournament that I have already joined? 

    2) And why does it cost me 50 credits to do so? 

    3) This is a FREE tournament ... right?



    Congratulations! You have been successfully entered into the December St Andrews Sweeps.


    Tournament: December St Andrews Sweeps
    Type: Closest-to-the-Hole
    Date: 01 Dec - 31 Dec
    Entry Fee: Free
    Type: A nine-hole closest-to-the-hole challenge where three winners by random drawing get 500 WGT credits each. Anyone can play, but only players in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, Japan, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, and South Korea will be entered into the sweepstakes drawing. No purchase or payment necessary to enter or win. Please see rules for details.

    Play Tournament

    Good luck!



  • greywolf134
    31 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 2:13 PM

    I like to bump this thread because I have the exact same Question????