I just hit a ball that went from tee to green so fast I coudn't watch it.. Somethings wrong''..
Ball Speed Boost on?
Steve442: Ball Speed Boost on?
Yes it was.. Thank you.. Swear to god everytime somethings wrong I bring the problem in to the forums and it gets solved.. I'm gonna bring all my life problems in here to get the answers I need to live a better life.. lol !!
Scott2mee: I'm gonna bring all my life problems in here to get the answers I need to live a better life.. lol !!
I'm gonna bring all my life problems in here to get the answers I need to live a better life.. lol !!
Can you start with the juicy ones?
courteneyfish:Can you start with the juicy ones?
I believe them speed up boosts were filling the virtual storage to the roof and beyond.... I got 'm for free as well, turned it off quickly.... nice gift wgt :)
From my mailbox:
Special offer for WGT players who log in and play WGT on 12/24/12 or 12/25/12, receive one free WGT Speed-Up Boost (2x) good for 100 hits.
real sweet gift, play qiucker, spend more money,an accountants idea i'm guessing