I was playing another skill challange game on 4/7/09.I was on my 15th or 20th game & realized I made a hole in 1 on I think the 3rd hole.Not paying attention to my game I contiued like always & looked at previous holes & saw 0.00 ace but it was to late to view replay.is ther anyway that I can go back & find the shot,&save the shot to my profile.Please help me with this,I used to have one saved but WGT TOUR upgraded their game & deleted my saved shots. please help me with our problem.One of your most loyal players COUGNUT thank you my email address is rharowi@aol.com would like to hear from WGT TOUR soon.....
Hi cougnut, unfortunately, if you've already continued the game without viewing the replay, you won't be able to retrieve it again.