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Re: Ball speed boost

rated by 0 users
Tue, Dec 25 2012 5:16 PM (4 replies)
  • CobraSEye
    521 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 1:01 PM

    It is nice that wgt give us that ballspeed boost. But i have to admit i hate it and cant put it off. It is not nice to play the game this way because the balls react diffently then i am used to. Dont run further with the spin but drop sooner. Dont have the same backspin when i play it with backspin. So wgt it is nice that you give us this but how can i put it off so i can play the game the way i am used to ???

    Merry Christmas to you all

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 1:16 PM

    did you even try and check the forum for the answer . Its been answered like 15 times in 2 days lol.

    Goto your in game menu /options. I think you can figure it out from there ok .

  • Quijotazo
    648 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 3:15 PM

    I simply set up an 18 hole practice stroke with my starter ball and used up all the feature practicing and messing my game as bad as I could.  My initial intention was to spend it but at the end it helped me a lot to play so freely with the only goal of making all 100 undesired hits to only realize that this is a great game, such great weed's pictures, bunkers, and little tweaky lies that I wouldn't had practiced otherwise.

    So, yes, I don't like this feature, wouldnt' spend my credits purchasing something I don't like for "my game", but still have to say once again :  Thank you WGT for the Christmas gift, it was fun anyway, watching my balls run like crazy !  (ha ha ha)

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 3:26 PM

    First shot I took off the tee looked like it wanted to drive the green!  I thought, "wow that flew fast."  Then, it fell in the fairway and I thought "hmmmm, not sure I like the turbo round.  when i hit a good shot, i want to watch the drama unfold."

    I can see the use if you are trying to cram in as many rounds as you can in a day.  But, it's just not for me.  I appreciate the generosity from WGT, though.

    I try to give credit where it's due and criticize when warranted.  I believe WGT has done better the past couple months with the free rental weekend, and now tossing a feature our way to try out.  Thank you.  Fwiw, I hope the rental weekend led to increases sales.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Tue, Dec 25 2012 5:16 PM

    Yeah but that Ball boost just takes so much away from this game . Golf is meant to be played slow anyway.

    I always love it when I set an 18 hole multi player game and someone joins then 5 mins into the game they are like "I only have 10 mins then I have to go to bla blah blah".

    Why the hell do they even bother joining a game they obviously dont have time to play ?

    Makes me sick.