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Re: level change

rated by 0 users
Sat, Dec 29 2012 7:25 AM (7 replies)
  • muggebatscherle
    4 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 1:23 PM

    hi there,

    last week i was ranked Master.  -  With the change I was "degraded" to a score of 74. My last Tour Pro score was 67.84.  I don't understand this - can anybody explain it to me ?

    thanks for explanation

    cheers mugg

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:22 PM


    hi there,

    last week i was ranked Master.  -  With the change I was "degraded" to a score of 74. My last Tour Pro score was 67.84.  I don't understand this - can anybody explain it to me ?

    thanks for explanation

    cheers mugg


    after you enter a new tier, your previous scores are wiped, so all new scores will populate your average.

    as you post rounds, you can expert wild changes until it settles down.


  • muggebatscherle
    4 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 2:26 PM

    thank you

  • Ceedubbya
    1 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2012 12:15 PM

    I am interested in what is required to advance in rank. I have been a Master for over a year, have dropped my handicap, and played many ranked rounds, tournaments and wide variety of blitz and match play rounds. Still, I cannot seem to advance. Is there a formula for advancement?


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2012 12:48 PM

    You need an average of 63 to move up.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2012 1:25 PM

    Another way is like quite a few people are doing tiering up by winning against higher tier players in scored match play which will drop your average rapidly.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Dec 28 2012 1:34 PM

    I am interested in what is required to advance in rank. I have been a Master for over a year, have dropped my handicap, and played many ranked rounds, tournaments and wide variety of blitz and match play rounds. Still, I cannot seem to advance. Is there a formula for advancement?
    Of course there is. Looking at your scores, some notes:

    - only ranked strokeplay rounds count in the first place, not Blitz nor CTTH.

    - your scores are good enough, 32, 33, 66, ... more of these!

    - winning money helps, too, and winning matches against higher tiers.

  • TheSavage21
    7 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 7:25 AM


    You need an average of 63 to move up.

    Is the 63 Avg the same no matter what tier you are on...?